Puzzles with Purpose
Designs for Strong Minds
It is difficult to estimate how many appointments a patient might need for cognitive restructuring.
Initial Consultation / The first appointment consists of an interview, review of records and formulation of a
treatment plan: 1.5hrs
Please bring copies of pertinent medical reports and any testings.
Additional appointments with Dr. Markus are recommended to continue treatment.
Initial Consultation/The First appointment (interview, review of neuro-psych evaluation up to 24 pages and formulation of a treatment plan
with DSM customized cognitive paper and pencil exercises for at-home rehearsal): $950.00
50% deposit required to confirm your appointment time, balance is due at the time of the visit.
Cancellation Policy for initial consultations and multiple appointments fully refunded 2 weeks prior to appointment.
Private Cognitive Restructuring after Initial Consultation: (including customized DSM cognitive paper and pencil exercises for at-home
rehearsal): $375.00/session
50% deposit required to confirm your appointment time, balance is due at the time of the visit.
7 Days is required to change or cancel an appointment without charge. There will be a $375 cancellation
FORM OF PAYMENTS ACCEPTED: credit card, check or cash
Patients mail completed exercise packets back to Dr. Markus for her review. After this review, new exercises are selected & any completed exercises with errors are mailed back to the patient for completion/correction: $500.00 fee (plus shipping fee outside of the US).
Appointments are scheduled with Margit Nikitas / Office Coordinator 847-433-7878